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Guidelines for presenters

General information

The EGU General Assembly provides a forum for scientists to present their work and discuss their ideas with colleagues in all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU strives for an open and constructive scientific exchange, based on mutual respect.

Please note that it is not permitted to take photographs or videos of (oral, poster, or PICO) presentations.

Abstract content and abstract submission

Abstracts of the work that is to be presented at the General Assembly should be short (100–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. Every abstract should present unique research. Submission of duplicate abstracts is considered unethical, irrespective of presentation format or programme group that an abstract is submitted to.

EGU abstracts remain online and are searchable also for people not participating in the General Assembly. Further information on abstract submission can be found on How to submit an abstract.

First-author rule

Regarding the oral preference, you are allowed as a first author to submit either one regular abstract plus one abstract solicited by a convener or two solicited abstracts. Each further abstract has to be submitted with a poster preference or submitted to PICO sessions. If you submit to a session belonging to the EOS programme group, you are allowed as a first author to submit one more abstract with an oral preference (three in total).

Abstract processing charges (APCs)

Please note that abstracts have an abstract processing charge (APC) of €40. Late contributions (uploaded by conveners after the abstract deadline) have an increased APC of €80 and require approval by the programme committee.


The EGU General Assembly facilitates the presentation of scientific results in the form of poster presentations, oral presentations, and PICOs. From the perspective of the EGU, all scientific presentations at its General Assembly have equal status; there is no distinction regarding the standing of oral, poster, or PICO presentations.

Please note that authors (first and co-authors) should not have a solicited presentation in the session(s) they convene. Conveners are discouraged from being oral presenters in the session(s) they convene.

Acceptance of an abstract and its inclusion in the programme of the General Assembly obliges the author or one of the co-authors to present the contribution at the time and in the manner indicated. If you know that your presentation will not be presented, you are asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible. Ensure that all images in presentations are attributed, including those from Wikipedia.

Please study our detailed guidelines for the different presentation types: